Mirja Ilkka
October 13 – February 2022


In My Garden, a solo show featuring the work of Mirja Ilkka. The exhibition was on display at Villa Dagmar between the 13th of October and the 22th of February 2022. The exhibition features unique works, mostly egg oil tempera on canvas.

Mirja Ilkka was born in 1981 in Virrat, Finland. Mirja Ilkka started painting with her Granny at a young age, with a passion for painting she graduated from the University of Art and Design Helsinki. Mirja Ilkka both utilizes the skill of classical painting and breaks its traditional boundaries with her subjects. Ilka’s subjects can be found in nature as well as in memories, and exploring the topic is central to the process. 

” I paint until it feels something and then I stop. Painting is being on the way somewhere, watching, smelling, meeting people. Surprises. Always but never ready. If You are lucky, then sometimes you feel it’s enough.”


Detail of painting ”In My Garden” by Mirja Ilkka

Painting is like a garden. A lot of work. Most of the seeds are like ideas in your head. You must plan and think ahead of what you need to eat next winter. You take breaks, some friends passing by. Plants, lot of old stuff on its way to the compost, and then sometimes a rose shows up. On the other hand garden is a metaphor for paradise. Heaven and hell. Smelling soil in your hands you are surrounded by the invisible. I’m interested in what new I can find from shades of this classic motif of art history.

Mirja Ilkka 4.10.2021

Price list


For more information please contact:

Lovisa Malmström
Phone: +46 70 713 61 22
